A b o u t S c r i b a D o o d l e P r e s s

Phyllis Smith, Author & Illustrator
"I'm just a big kid. Children are my favorite people. Then come pets. Many live around me in my neighbor-hood. Even more take up residence in my imagin-ation. Although never did I ever imagine that my first-ever children's book would win two international book awards - Firebird Book Award & Literary Titan Book Award. May I scribble out stories and doodle their associated graphics for all the rest of my days with joy."

A native of Stillwater, MN, USA, Phyllis Smith is adopted by her socialized feral cat, Shadow, and her stray cat, Cleo. Together the three of them own ScribaDoodle Press, so that they can enjoy writing and illustrating quality children’s books, often with a touch of the magical. She is hoping to Inspire young global readers to think beyond themselves and value the lives of all earth’s inhabitants.
Amazon Author Page here: https://amazon.com/author/imagination-run-wild